A Workshop for MCC Bank Stakeholders with a theme-“Reinventing VISION and MISSION for MCC Bank Ltd” was conducted on 10th February 2024 at the MCC Bank Staff Training Centre, Administrative office, Mangalore.

The Workshop began with the prayer by Mrs Irene Rebello, Director. She also gave a brief introduction of the workshop. Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi, was the chief guest for the workshop. Dr Professor Aloysius Sequeira, Former Dean (Faculty Welfare) & Registrar, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal and HAG (retd.), was the resource person for the workshop. Mr Anil Lobo, Chairman of MCC Bank Ltd, welcomed the bishop with floral bouquet and memento as a token of gratitude.



Most Rev. Dr Gerald Lobo Bishop of Udupi, inaugurated the workshop by lighting the lamp. In his address, he stressed upon the need for revisiting the Vision and upgrading the mission for MCC Bank Ltd. He called upon the stakeholders to come together and work for a specific Vision and to reinvent the mission for MCC Bank for the next 5 years. He said that this is not a single day’s work and hence requires lot of patience. He also called upon the participants to have a Road Map which will help the MCC Bank to grow with steady pace.



In the 1st Session of the Workshop, Prof. Aloysius Sequeira, conducted the Ice breaking and simulation exercise through Pipe Transport Simulation Exercise. Three teams of the stakeholders were formed. All the participants took part in the simulation exercise with great enthusiasm and zeal.





After explaining the importance of Vision and Mission and taking the inference of the simulation exercise, Prof. Aloysius Sequeira, called upon the teams to draft a Vision and Core values for MCC Bank Ltd. The teams participated proactively and after a detailed discussion drafted Vision and Core values for MCC Bank Ltd.




In the final session of the workshop, the participants in teams, were asked to draft a mission statement for MCC Bank Ltd. After a detailed discussion the teams could formulate a Mission statement for MCC Bank Ltd. Prof. Sequeira reminded the participants that it is just a beginning in having a Vision and Mission for MCC Bank Ltd and that there is a long way to go and all shall meet again to work towards it.










Prof. Aloysius Sequeira was honoured for his excellent work as resource person, with a memento. Mr Anil Patrao, Director of the Bank, rendered the vote of thanks. Altogether 30 stake holders consisting of selected existing Directors, Ex Directors, Experts, Ex Bankers, Customers., Top Management and staff members participated in the workshop.





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Hampankatta, Mangalore - 575001

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