Pics by Stanly Bantwal

International Women’s day was celebrated by MCC Bank to recognize the selfless service of women’s staff at PFX Memorial Auditorium at MCC bank Ltd, Mangalore on 11th March, 2023.

The Chief guest for the program was Rev. Sr Cecelia Mendonca B.S., Provincial Superior, Bethany Congregation, Vamanjoor, Mangalore. Directors of the Bank Irene Rebello, Dr Freeda F. D’souza, Sharmila Menezes, Branch Managers: Jacintha Serrao, Blanche Fernandes, Sunitha W. D’souza, Ida Pinto, Irene Dsouza, Jacintha Fernandes and Wilma Jyothi Sequeira were on the dais.

The program began with a prayer song which was led by Prathyaksh Lewis and group.

Chairman Anil Lobo welcomed the gathering. While congratulating all the lady staff on the occasion of women’s day, he explained the importance of womens day celebration and significant contribution of women in all spheres. 



The function was inaugurated by lighting the lamp by the women present on the Dias. 


Rev. Sr Cecelia Mendonca, in her key note address congratulated the lady members of MCC Bank family on the occasion of International Women’s Day. She said the main objective of celebration of Women’s day is to create awareness about the significant contribution of the women to the society and to emphasize the importance of the rights and honour of women in our society. This aspect has been mentioned in Holy Bible also. She mentioned the exemplary services rendered by Mother Theresa to the leprosy patients, poor and under privileged in the society. She said women should feel proud that the Indian President is also a women. Women have been taking important roles and responsibilities in all sectors, viz. Education, Health, Economic, Politics, Science and Technology, research and even in the defense field. She emphasized the need to recognize women for their patience, sincerity, hard work, commitment, leadership, innovation and compassion. She advised the women to be positive in their thought, speech and action.

On this occasion Andrew Dsouza, Director congratulated all the women of MCC Bank and explained the important role played by them for the welfare of the family. 



Director Irene Rebello gave talk on women empowerment and progress on this occasion. 

All the Ladies on the dais were honored with Shawl, Flower bouquet, Memento and Gift and all the lady staff members were also honored.





Speaking on behalf of the women Ida Pinto, Branch Manager, Kankandy Branch expressed appreciation and gratitude to the Management for arranging such a wonderful program.

Retired Branch Manager of the bank, Clifford D’costa, and Clerical Staff William Dsouza who retired after serving the bank were felicitated by the management and staff members of the Bank, with a Letter of Felicitation, Memento, Flower bouquet and gift. “Letter of Honour” was read by Senior Manager, Deril Lasrado and Branch Manager of Karkal Branch, Rayan Praveen respectively. 



Punith Gaonkar, Sub Inspector of Police, Bunder Police Station explained different methods used by the fraudsters especially in social media. He advised the audience to be more vigilant while using various platforms in the social media. He informed the audience various precautions to be taken to prevent such cyber crimes. He called upon them to utilize the service provided by the Police by dialing emergency number 112 and crime help number 1930 for reporting any untoward incidents, accidents and Cyber crimes, etc. immediately.



Vice Chairman recited poem written by him on the occasion.

Nelson Monis compered, General Manager Sunil Menezes proposed the vote of thanks.


Directors, Herold Monteiro, Roshan Dsouza, Elroy K. Crasto, C.G.Pinto, J.P. Rodrigues, Anil Patrao, Dr Jerald Pinto, Marcel M. Dsouza, David Dsouza, Sushantha Saldanha, Felix Dcruz were also present during the occasion.

Soon after the formal function, cultural program was organized and the audience were kept enthralled by the Gumpta songs by Agrar Group, Jokes by Memory group, Dance by the Men staff of MCC Bank and Magic show by Fr Paul Sebastian Dsouza. 




























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