On the occasion of the Post Centenary Decennial celebration of the Bank, the Customer Meet of Mangalore Catholic Co-operative Bank Ltd, (MCC Bank Ltd) Kanakanady and Morgansgate Branch, was organized at St Vincent Ferrer Church Golden Jubilee Hall, on Sunday August 28 at 6.00 pm.

Chairman of the Bank Anil Lobo, presided over the customer meet.

The meet was inaugurated by Chief Guest Rev Fr Eric Crasta, Parish Priest of St Rita Church, Casia, Mangaluru. James Victor Dmello, Ex Director of MCC Bank Ltd and Ex Corporator of the Mangalore City Corporation, Girish Alva, Prop: Varaha Associates and Vice President of Dakshina Kannada Youth Congress were the guests of honor.

Programme started by prayer song led by Staff members of the Branch. In his address, Rev. Fr Eric Crasta, said that the Bank is based on faith and trust and called upon the staff members and the customers to have trust on the bank. He congratulated the staff members members for having a cordial relationship with the customer and motivated them to maintain a good customer relation for the well being of the bank.

James Victor Dmello, expressed his joy for giving him the opportunity to be a part of the customer meet and said that customers have attended the meet mainly because of their faith on the MCC Bank. He emphasised that Bank should give priority to advance quality loans to the customers as per the guidelines of the RBI and suggested to mention nomination details along with phone numbers in the Deposit application itself. He appreciated the efforts of the Chairman, Board of Directors and the staff members for the tremendous achievement of the Bank for the year 2021-22.

Speaking during the occasion, Girish Alva said that the MCC Bank is serving the society over 110 years only because of the trust that is earned from the customers through the dedicated service of the staff members.

On this occasion, the customers who have their birthdays in the month of August were honoured. The Senior citizen customers were congratulated and honoured with shawl and flower bouquet.
As a part of customer meet, open session was conducted to get the suggestions, opinions and grievances of the customers. The customers actively took part in this interactive session and gave their valuable suggestions.  The queries were replied by the Chairman positively.  




























































Chairman Anil Lobo, in his Presidential speech, clarified the reasons for conducting the Customer meets in all branches on the occasion of Post Centenary Decennial celebration of the Bank. The main intension of the customer meets was to know the short-comings, deficiencies in services to the customers and to improve the service, to understand the customer’s satisfaction, customer’s preferences. He explained the progress of the bank and said that bank has earned a net profit Rs.8.27 Crore for the year 2022 with a Net NPA of 1.60%. He appreciated the Branch Managers of Kankanady and Morgansgate branch for the success of the customer meet. He congratulated the Branch Managers and staff members for their initiative and service and he opined that it was achieved only due to their stupendous efforts along with the branch support Director.

Directors Anil Patrao, David Dsouza, Roshan Dsouza, Irene Rebello, Professional Directors Sushanth Saldanha, Members of Board of Management Felix Dcruz, Sharmila D Menezes, Alwyn P Monteiro, General Manager Sunil Menezes, Dy General Manager Raj Menezes, Branch Manager Ida Pinto and Jacintha Serrao were also present.
General Manager Sunil Menezes explained the importance of the Customer meet. Branch Support Director Marcel Mathew Dsouza welcomed the gathering. Kankanady Branch Manager Ida Pinto proposed vote of thanks. Vincent Mendonca, Cascia compered.
Employees of MCC Bank Kankanady and Morgansgate branch, accountant Prem Dsouza and Priya Wilma Moras with Pradeep Dsouza, Deena Lobo, Karen Crasta, Rohan Rock Pereira, Steevan, Vinoda Sanctis, Neil Pais, Anitha Pinto, Shanthi Dsouza and Robin Sequeira were actively associated in holding the meet. More than 450 customers of both the branches attended and actively participated in the customer meet.


0824 - 2421369, 2445742

MCC Bank Ltd
Hampankatta, Mangalore - 575001

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