Founder’s Day Celebration on 08.05.2022

The Founders Day of The MCC Bank Ltd, one of the premiere Urban Co-op Banks of coastal Karnataka was celebrated at the Administrative Office of the Bank on 8th May, 2022 to coincide with completion of 110 years of its dedicated service to the society. Rev. Fr Bonaventure Nazareth, celebrated a Holy mass on this occasion. In his homily, Fr Bonaventure, reminded the vision of the founder, Late P.F.X Saldanha and called upon the Board of Directors, the staff members to work hard to achieve the vision of the Bank. He congratulated the MCC Family on its 110th Founders Day and wished all the best for the future endeavours of the Bank.

After the Mass, a new Two-level parking yard was inaugurated by the Ex-chairman, Mr Valentine D’Silva. A portrait of the Founder, P.F.X Saldanha, at the entrance of the Bank premises was inaugurated by the Saldanha Family. The convention hall, named after the founder, Late P.F.X Saldanha was inaugurated by the Ex-chairman and Panel Advocate of the Bank, Mr Melwyn P.Noronha. The staff training centre was inaugurated by the present chairman, Mr Anil Lobo.

Mr Anil Lobo, in his introductory address, welcomed the dignitaries, guests, invitees and the staff. He emphasised that if the customers have the faith in the Bank, the Bank will grow with a steady pace. It is because of the transparency in business and friendly dealing with all types of customers, the Bank has grown to this level in the last 110 years. He requested for the support of the shareholders, customers and well-wishers for the future projects of the Bank.

A logo commemorating the 110 years of rich history of the Bank, was unveiled by Mr Harold R.T. Saldanha, the Grandson of Late P.F.X Saldanha. The portrait of the Founder was handed over to the members of Saldanha Family as a respect to the contributions of Late P.F.X Saldanha. It was announced that a bulletin of the Bank would be published half yearly. The Editor and Director of the Bank, Dr Gerald Pinto, briefed about the bulletin and introduced the editorial board. The bulletin was symbolically inaugurated by the Vice Chairman, Mr Jerald Jude D’Silva.

Mr Valentine D’Silva, who was the Director and Chairman from 1991 to 2008, expressed his happiness and satisfaction at the growth of the Bank and wished well for the future. Mr Melwyn P. Noronha, appreciated the efforts of the present chairman and Board of Directors for their active involvement in the progress of the Bank. He expressed his satisfaction towards the service of the staff and called upon the staff to work with vigour and zeal.

Directors, Mr. Andrew Dsouza, Mr David Dsouza. Mr Anil Patrao, Mr Herold Monteiro, Mr Roshan Dsouza, Mr Elroy Crasto, Mr Marcel Dsouza, Mr J.P. Rodrigues, Dr Freeda Dsouza, were present during the occasion.

General Manager, Mr Sunil Ivan Menezes proposed the vote of thanks. Mrs Shainy D’Souza, Junior Assistant of Founders Branch compered the program. A High tea was served to all.


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MCC Bank Ltd
Hampankatta, Mangalore - 575001

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