The third workshop, as a follow up of the earlier two workshops with the theme, “Reinventing Vision and Mission for MCC Bank Ltd”, was held on 30th August, 2024 at the MCC Bank Staff Training Centre, Administrative Office, Mangalore.

Most Rev. Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi was the chief guest for the workshop. Dr. Aloysius Sequeira, Professor- HAG (Retd.) and Former Dean (Faculty Welfare) & Registrar, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal was the resource person for the workshop. Mr Anil Lobo, Chairman, MCC Bank Ltd, welcomed the Bishop and Prof. Aloysius Sequeira.




Prof. Aloysius Sequeira has, while recalling the important points discussed in the 1st and 2nd workshops held on 10th February, 2024 and 13th July, 2024 respectively, briefed the participants regarding the final draft of Vision Document 2026-2035 ( FY 2025-26 to FY 2034-35) prepared by him after collating the points discussed by the participants in the above two workshops. He invited the suggestions from the participants for finalising the Vision and Mission statements.

The Vision statement, mission statements (4 nos) and core values (4 nos) were discussed by the participants and participants have approved vision statement, mission statements (4 nos) and core values (4 nos) after the thorough discussion.

The resource person asked the participants to select the Strengths & Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats from the list furnished by him, which were identified in the earlier two workshops, held on 10th February, 2024 and 13th July, 2024, by the participants. After detailed discussion on the subjects, the participants finalised 5 Strengths, 4 weaknesses, 5 Opportunities and 4 Threats from the list of SWOTs.

The proposed business goals/objectives for the forthcoming 10-year period ( FY 2025-26 to FY 2034-35), i.e., branch expansion, business turnover, net profit, financial ratios, NPA percentage, etc., were discussed by the participants. The participants identified 6 goals for the forthcoming 10-year period. It was decided to form a committee for deciding the proposed objectives and business figures for the forthcoming 10-year period.

It was decided to finalise the VISION document and place the same for the approval of the BoD and also decide the suitable date for announcement of the VISION, MISSION, and Core Values of the Bank.

While thanking the Chief Guest, Resource Person and the participants, the Chairman of the bank, Mr Anil Lobo, thanked the Almighty for providing the wonderful opportunity and the group to discuss on the subject which will go a long way in accelerating the growth of the Bank which started after the present BoD took over the reins of the Bank in the year 2018. He credited the success of the workshop to the initiative taken by the Most Rev. Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi and ably supported and guided by the resource Person, Prof. Aloysius Sequeira. He sought the blessings of the Bishop in all future endeavours of the Bank. He said that all the participants are experts in their respective fields and thanked them for their valuable contributions for achieving the objectives of the workshop. He said that when we think positively, the success for our efforts is always ensured. He emphasised the importance of Vision and Mission statements to the bank, which is poised for higher growth in the coming years.



While speaking during the concluding session, Most Rev. Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi., reiterated the statement made by him in the last workshop that when the likeminded persons work together for achievement of goals, the results will automatically be positive. He said that God will always help those persons whose intentions are good. He expressed his happiness at the excellent outcome/result of the workshops and the finalization of the blueprint of the “Vision, Mission, Core Values” document. He appreciated the dedication and commitment of all the participants who contributed immensely for the success of the workshop. He said that the Bank is progressing well and wished that the pace of the growth to continue in the coming years so that the society at large will benefit from the organisation. He also offered his suggestions for the next course of action with regard to obtaining the approval and publishing the document on a most appropriate date. He wished all the best to the bank in its efforts for achieving the best results.





Mr Allen Pereira thanked Most Rev. Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi, Prof. Aloysius Sequeira for their excellent support and guidance and also for the wonderful experience during the workshop.

Altogether 21 stake holders consisting of selected existing Directors, Ex Directors, Experts, Ex Bankers, Customers, Top Management and staff members participated in the workshop. (Photo 18,19)




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